Friday, June 30, 2006

Ink and Paint Club

Won these production cels from Nelvana's Get Along Gang pilot episode on eBay the other week. It's fair to say I'm still in "acetate" of excitement about it .*

Portia Porcupine, from somewhere near the beginning, where the Gang are talking about entering a scavenger hunt in their hometown of "Green Meadow". (For the curious, this character does actually have legs, it's just that they would have been off camera in this particular shot.)

Montgomery Moose, near the episode's end. Don't think it's giving too much away to say that things turn out well...
Many thanks to fellow G.A.G junkie Erin for helping to place these pics into some sort of context.

*The voices told me to do it....sorry.

1 comment:

Artytoons said...

The Get Along Gang Yahoogroup now has pictures of the cels offered on E-Bay recently (some of which were won by both of us) along with the context in which the cel drawing scene was used in the pilot episode.

Take the prisoner back to his cel.