Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back on the Radar...

...For now, at least.

It's too early to tell if this will amount to anything much or what we'll end up with, if it does.

Original art at


Artytoons said...

Here we go again.

Holding out hope...My Dotty Dog pom-poms are shedding quite badly.


Artytoons said...

Of course, if the gang's faces all look alike a la the new Rainbow Brite or if the gang meet a porcupine hologram giving orders for a secret mission...

I would say both of us buy the rights to the Gang and we make our own revival...


Paul M. said...

After six months in the doldrums, things seem to be moving again. The application should soon enter a thirty day "period of opposition", during which any third party can file an objection to it.

This is the stage at which "Domino" (from the 2004 revival attempt) came unstuck, as a certain well known pizza chain felt it infringed on their own registered brand name.

Re: New Rainbow Brite

It tanked, which might inspire much schadenfreude among fans of the original until it dawns on them that commercial failure can be like the Mark of Cain for this sort of thing.

Let's hope that sad events in The Get Along Gang's recent past haven't damaged its chances of future success...